- Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement, was founded in
- The Boston Tea incident took place in
- Thomas Jefferson wrote Deceleration of Independence in
- The Deceleration of Independence was signed on
- The constitution of the United States was written in
- According to first census of USA (1790) its population was
- Supreme Court of USA was established in
- George Washington died in
- First Chief Justice of USA was
- The constitution of USA was adopted in
- US constitution was ratified in
- _______________ elected as the first president of the United States on April 30, 1789
- George Washington elected as the first president of the United States on
- John Adams served as the second president of the United States on
- ________________ was the third president of the United States 1801-1809
- President Thomas Jefferson bought Louisiana from France in 1803, for
- The first Secretary of State of US was
- The XYZ affairs took place between _________________ in 1797 and 1798
- First University to be found in USA was
- First capital of USA was
- Independence hall in ________________________ is the site where the Deceleration of Independence and the Constitution were written
- The son of the Liberty was formed in
- The battle of __________________was the turning point of the American Revolution
- The British defeat at ______________________ by the George Washington`s troops, signaled the end of the American Revolution
- The number of members of the American Senate is
- Henry Alfred Kissinger was the
- The Camp David is located in
- American President Received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1906
- ___________________ made a trip to Beijing in 1972
- Who was the president of USA when Russia invaded Afghanistan in early 1980
- What does NASA stands for
- To which political party did President Woodrow Wilson belong
- Who wrote "Encyclopedia of American History"?
- The Peace treaty of American Independence in 1783 was signed in the city of
- Father of American Constitution
- The first ten amendments to the constitution of US ratified in 1791 are known as a
- The great depression of ______________ lasted for ten a decade
- Cornwallis surrendered to the American and French troops at
- The battle of Bull Run was fought in
- Panama Canal was officially opened in
- Who wrote "The White House Years"?
- "I have a dream" who delivered this oration
- The capital of New York State is
- Before civil war the principal crop of South was
- US entered the second World War in
- Gold Rush in California took place in
- The civil war was fought from
- The civil rights act was passed in
- Louis Armstrong was a
- Atlantic Charter dates back to
- Attack on Pearl Harbour took place in
- Bill Clinton was _______________ President of United States
- Dr Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in
- Total number of States in US is
- Dred Scott Decision of the Supreme Court of USA declaring slave a chattel was given in
- Stamp act was passed in
- Complete diplomatic relations between China and US were established in
- NATO was established in the year
- In 1900 the "Open Door Policy" was adopted with respect to
- The book "Uncle Tom`s Cabin" was written by
- The Truman Doctrine was mainly designed to extend economic assistance to
- The term "Big Stick Diplomacy" is associated with president
- During the American Civil War, the president of Confederacy was
- Judges of the American Supreme Court are appointed by
- Total articles in the United States Constitution are
- State is known as sunshine state
- State known as Golden gate State
- State known as Sooners state
- What does ANZUS stands for
- Treaty of Ghent ended war 1812 between
- Gettysburg address was delivered by President
- California was settled most rapidly after Gold was discovered in
- Susan B. Anthony was an outspoken advocate of
- The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour in
- Next to cotton the most valuable American export in 1860 was
- The constitution of the United States provides that amendments may be proposed by
- What revolution in Europe was influenced most directly by American Revolution
- The United States gained Texas from
- Virgin Island was purchased from ___________ in March 31, 1917 fro 25 Million USD
- Puerto Rico ceded to US by
- Spain financed Westward voyage of Columbus in
- The Albany Congress in 1754 was attended by delegates of
- Oregon was acquired in
- Congress of US consists of _____________ and the House of Representatives
- Statue of Liberty was given to USA by the ________________ in October 28, 1886
- Name of the President famous for his fourteen points
- Delaware State is nicknamed as
- Era of good feeling was during the presidency of President
- The slogan of Fair Deal was given by the President
- Pilgrims fathers established
- Intolerable acts were introduced in
- Steel cooperation of USA was established in
- Who said this "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country?"
- Which of the following English colonies in America was named after Queen Elizabeth
- The pilgrims from England reached polymouth in a ship called
- Which leader of American Revolution was also a Scientist, a printer, Satirist and political philosopher
- How many political parties are mentioned by name in US
- The treaty of Paris in 1783 fixed the Western boundary of the United states at the river
- Under Adams-Onis Treaty United States acquired Florida from
- Which American President won election four times and remain president for longest period of time
- Which of the American President called the former Soviet Union "An Evil Empire"
- Which American president remained the head of the Central Intelligence Agency CIA before becoming the president
- Alva Edison invented Phonograph in
- Elijah Muhammad assumed leadership of the black Muslims Movement second time in
- Korean war started in
- Martin Luther King won the Nobel Peace Prize in
- American troops finally left Vietnam after the end of the war on
- The American commitment to prevent spread of communism was expressed in
- Europe`s rapid economic recovery after World War II was mainly due to
- The Americans signed the Treaty of Alliance with France in
- What was the reason for the great depression
- Fourteenth amendment pertained to