- In the modern world the office of the Ombudsman was first created in the
- The Muslim demand of separate electorate presented by the Shimla deputation was incorporated in the
- Alexandria is the Seaport of
- Karakoram Highway starts in Pakistan from
- The objectives resolution was passed by the first constituent assembly in
- The world oldest national anthem is of
- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Science and Technology is situated at
- Moplah revolt appeared in the
- Which incident became the cause of 14 points of Quaid-e-Azam
- When Indian Muslims observed 'Day of deliverance' after the resignation of Congress ministries on
- National animal of Pakistan is
- Who was the first chairman senate after the promulgation of 1973 constitution
- Which one of the following institute was inaugurated by Quaid e Azam on July 1, 1948
- Who represented the congress in 1st Round Table Cpnference
- Which is the lightest from all these gases
- In the Provincial election of 1937, All India Muslim League won the largest number of seats in the
- Pakistan's first commercial bank is the
- Bicameralism in Pakistan was first introduced in the constitution of
- The Soan Valley is the site of ancient civilization, it is situated in the
- Which of the following Sufi Poet's tomb located in the Mithon Kot?
- The old city of Lahore had
- Pakistan National Anthem was approved by the Government in
- Simli Dam was built on the river
- Khyber Pass is situated in the
- Identify the Secretary of Estate led by the Cabinet Mission in 1946
- Which of the following Mughal Emperor born in Lahore on 1592
- Rand is the currency of
- Congress launched "Quiet India Movement" against the British Government in _________
- Pakistan standard time is _____________ hours ahead of Greenwich Mean time
- The first federal Ombudsman (Wafaki Mohtasab) of Pakistan was
- Who first supported the Pakistan resolution in 1940
- How many sessions of Gandhi-Jinnah talks were held in 1944
- The first coin of Pakistan was designed by the
- On which occasion Quaid e Azam said Handu India and Muslim India parted and parted forever
- Which of the following leaders helped Quaid e Azam in the preparation of his fourteen points in 1929
- Quaid e Azam was appointed permanent President of All India Muslim League unanimously in
- The Government of India Act 1935 divided the India into
- In the interim Government of 1946, the minister of health was
- The third president of All India Muslim League was
- Which of the following archaeological site was discovered in 1955
- Which of the following fort built by the Mughal Emperor Zaheer ud Din Babar in 16th Century
- Khanpur Mosque tragedy took place in the
- The first Urdu newspaper (Daily) published after the creation of Pakistan was
- When All India Muslim League was founded in 1906, one of its main objective was
- The Sultan of Delhi, who is reputed to have build the biggest network of canals was
- Pakistan's first women university was established in 1998 at
- Which is the most significant feature of Government of India Act 1935
- Quaid e Azam 'As I know Him' is the famous biography of Quaid e Azam written by the
- The track of orange line train in Lahore is
- Pakistan largest airport is located in the
- Shah Abdul Latif Bithai is the famous Sindhi poet of
- The Simon Commission report which was published in May, 1930 proposed _________ for India
- A famous Naltar valley is 40km away from
- Pakistan Red Crescent Society was founded on
- Which is the oldest city of Pakistan
- The Headquarters of Pakistan Red Crescent Society is located in
- Hanna lake is located in the
- Pakistan joined Organization of Islamic countries in
- _____________ is the first Pakistani women to climb Mount Everest on 19th May 2013
- Ronald Amundsen belonged to
- The first Pakistani women to reach the North pole in April 2007 is
- Pakistan's first private airline is
- The archaeological site Bhambor is located in the
- The small town Taftan located near Pakistan border with
- Pakistan China border agreement was signed in
- The longest serving Chief Justice of Pakistan has been so far
- Which of the following glaciers is located in the Karakoram range
- Which Pakistani city totally destroyed in 1935 Earthquake
- The total length of Makran coastal highway is
- The Babusar top connects
- The first water accord was signed among the provinces in.
- The only National Election held on non party basis was in
- Which is the deepest lake in the world.
- The duration of National Anthem of Pakistan is
- The Pothohar plateau contains the minerals deposits of
- Which one of the following leader convinced Quaid e Azam to join All India Muslim League
- Mast Tawakali was the prominent poet of
- Pakistan Afghanistan border "Durand Line" was drawn in the
- The largest desert of Pakistan is
- The oldest barrage built on Indus river is
- All the major political parties boycotted Sir Simon Commission 1927 because
- Pakistan joined World Trade Organization (WTO) in
- Lowari tunnel was inaugurated on
- The number of letters in Urdu language are
- After the creation of Pakistan the first radio station was established at.
- The first Pakistani Prime Minister who visited China was
- Which was the first missile launched by the Pakistan.
- Ruins of Mohenjo Dahro located in the District of
- Indus river falls into the Arabian Sea near
- Sultanate of Oman ceded the Gowadar enclave to Pakistan in
- The newly constructed Bhikki Power Plant power generating capacity is
- The Lahore Islamabad Motorway is called
- The last town on the Karakoram highway in Pakistan before the Chinese border is
- FATA was merged into KPK through the constitutional amendment of
- The Wakhan corridor separates Pakistan from
- Atta Shad is the famous poet of
- Pakistan China Economic Corridor will be fully operational by
- Mention the importance of August 17, 1988
- The famous architectural site in Lahore Chauburji was built by Mughal Princess
- Nikkei is the Stock Exchange index of